

Texting and driving is the drunk driving of the 21st century. To address the most endangered group: GenY and Z, Aegon created a VR “texting&driving” simulator. In real life there is NO save button - only cruel consequences.

The VR game, which aims to show the dangers of driving while on the move, was the perfect solution to tell young people - thereby also communicating to their parents that Aegon is a responsible, technologically advanced and socially sensitive company.

Together with the police, we wanted to reach out and communicate the dangers lurking for young people using a technologically interesting method.

That’s why we’ve developed a completely unique VR game from scratch! Thanks to the unique development, we have managed to create a fast-paced gameplay that shows the dangers of using a mobile while driving.

In the VR game, young people drove more than 700 km during the events and encountered 2,735 dangerous situations.